Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pacifier Update

Well, the pacifier weaning seems to be going well. So far, my little one has slept through every night without it, and has come to accept the fact that it is "broken" for good. I say "without," although that's kind of an untruth. She isn't putting it in her mouth, but she still wants it with her at bedtime. Honestly, that's okay with me, since I'm looking at it from a purely orthodontia related perspective. The only unfortunate side effect of no pacifier is that it seems to have taken away her ability to sleep in. For the last three days she's gotten up at 6:30 like clockwork instead of her usual 7:45. I suppose that's not a terrible thing, since I've been able to get up and get an early morning walk in before it gets too darned hot around here. I just have to remember to get to bed at a reasonable time myself. That's a little difficult for me sometimes, because my personal preference is to go to bed late and rise late. I know it doesn't make me healthy, wealthy, or wise, but that's how I like to do it. Anyway...

I guess the next step will be moving up to big-girl cups. She doesn't drink out of "sippy" cups per se, but they are non-leak cups with straws. I think she can manage drinking out of a big-girl cup, but I admit I like the convenience of a non-spill cup, and she likes having her "cuppa juice" (her words) with her. It is a detriment to potty training, though. We haven't officially started that yet, but I want to before she's three. I've already purchased a potty chair, and she's started to show interest in it, so I need to get on switching cups now. So much to do!

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