Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hot, hot, hot!

February 2nd and it is HOT! Well, hot for February, anyway. We topped out at 74 degrees here, and what a bright and sunny day it was! The little one had a nice time on Mimi's farm, wandering here and there and watching the chickens. Some of the pullets even followed her around hoping she'd drop her snack crackers. Talk about cute! I wish I'd gotten pictures!

We've decided to stay with my mom-in-law for the time being, and give my parents a break. I keep my fingers crossed that soon my husband will find a job. In the meantime, I've applied for a part-time position to help slow the drain on our savings. I'm also going to help the mom-in-law with her garden. We'll be starting indoor seeds shortly. Yay! I've even bought some seeds to put away for myself in the hopes that I'll someday have a garden of my own. Right now, it's just something to daydream about.

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