Today, I'm getting miscellaneous chores done around the house. I've got coffee brewing in anticipation of the caffeine fix I'll need to get it all done. On my list of things to do is my favorite chore of all - laundry. Laundry used to be just another never-ending job, but I love it now. Why? Line drying. I used to always throw my clothes in the dryer and leave them there until they were too wrinkly to wear. Then one day, I read a book called Simple Country Wisdom, and in it, the author painted a beautifully romantic picture of doing laundry and hanging it on the line. Now, I've line-dried clothes before, but this book convinced me to try it again. I was hooked. The clothes swaying in the breeze, being outside in the sun - it was magical. Now I look forward to laundry day, and I hang my clothes out as often as I can. It's sort of like a meditative experience for me. I even put up signs in my laundry area that express my feelings about doing laundry. One says, "It all comes out in the wash." The other says, "Sorting out life, one load at a time." It rings true for me, at least. Washing my clothes washes my cares away, and with each load I sort and hang up, I sort out life. It may seem quaint, but I love it.
It comes and goes for me. Some days I love it..other days I avoid it like the plague. Go figure.
I always love hanging out the clothes, I just don't always like folding and putting them away! But I will take that over dishes any day.
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