Oh, Blizzard, you have done it again! Just when I was starting to think I could live without World of Warcraft, you introduce Cataclym, and my passion is rekindled. Since December 7th, I've been playing during pretty much every spare moment. Both new races are fun to play and follow interesting story lines, I like the newly incorporated cinematics in the game, and I especially enjoy the music. The new zone Vashj'ir is graphically stunning. You get a sense of vastness there that wasn't in previous zones. Actually, all the new areas seem more broad, like they really are part of a larger world, as opposed to being their own closed off little zone. Vash'jir especially feels like this to me, because it seems you can literally see for miles down there under the sea.
Think I can solo this bad boy? |
And now, I have something very serious I want to talk to you about. I may not have ever discussed it here, but I am a die-hard Horde player. I love the warrior-clan culture - the emphasis on blood, glory, and honor. It moves me on a primal level in a way that the more "sophisticated" Alliance culture could never do. Now the Shattering has occurred, Thrall, our beloved warchief, has left to help the Earthen Ring mend the world. This fills me with great sadness and great pride simultaneously, but what I really want to talk to you about is this: I've always known Thrall was epic, but after seeing him in his new role in Cataclysm, I think we should vote for him as our next president. If you need evidence, here it is:
Thrall holding the frickin' planet together! |
There. Thrall is using his shamanistic might to keep Azeroth from ripping in half! We need someone like this leading the country. In the wake of recent disappointments, there has been a lapse of confidence in our leaders' abilities to get things done. Were Thrall our commander-in-chief, I know our country would recover. The economy would pick up, healthcare would be affordable, and no terrorist would ever think of attacking us again. A vote for Thrall is a vote for America!
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