Thursday, February 25, 2010

Recovering from burnout

Recently, I wasn't in the mood to make blog posts. To be honest, I wasn't in the mood to do anything, especially work on my shop. Occasionally, I get into these funks, and I just have to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get back into the swing. I've made some changes that are moving me in a positive direction, and things are looking up.

At any rate, I've been taking a look around my shop, and I'm thinking of making some changes. I like my banner and my avatar, but I'm thinking I can do better. I'd also like to get a new layout for my blog and Twitter page. All in good time, though. Right now I need to post a few more items. The sad thing is, I have lots of items ready to go, but I always go blank when it comes to the descriptions. I'm just going to have to suck it up and crank out some new listings!

Well, that's all for now. Check back for some new posts in a few days!

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