Hey, guys! It's the week before Easter, and I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger, but I decided I'd take a minute while my lunch is cooking to bring you a little grammar lesson. I've been seeing the improper usage of "I" and "me" going around quite a bit, so I want to share with you a hint that is very helpful. In situations involving multiple people where you want to know whether you should use "I" or "me" in a sentence, always think of how you would answer the question if you were only answering for yourself. In cases where you're alone and you'd answer "I," use "I" when including multiple people also. The same goes for "me;" if you're alone and would normally answer with "me," then use "me" when referring to multiple people. Let's clarify with a couple of examples:
Example 1, Using "I":
Kim asks, "Who is going to the store?"
You reply (when speaking for yourself alone), "I am going to the store."
You reply (when speaking for yourself and someone else), "Jan and I are going to the store."
Example 2, Using "me":
Kim asks, "Whose dog is this?"
You reply (when speaking for yourself alone), "It belongs to me."
You reply (when speaking for yourself and someone else), "It belongs to Jan and me."
Pro Tip: Always include yourself last in these situations, it's just plain polite (e.g., "Jan and I," not "I and Jan").
There you go. My grammar may not be perfect, but I do try, and now you can try a little harder too!
Happy Easter, everyone!
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