Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Party!

*You'll notice that I've changed my layout from 3 columns to 2. I feel this squishes my content less, and it hopefully improves the overall appearance and function of my blog.

This past Saturday was our first annual pumpkin carving bonanza. I have to admit, as much as I love Halloween, inviting everyone over was actually my husband's idea. I'm glad he had it though, because we had a good, albeit tiring time. I spent the week before making decorations and lots of goodies for the party.

I decided to keep the decorations simple and fun. On the porch, I did streamers and spider webs, complete with pipe cleaner spiders that my little one helped me make.

Indoors, I did a small vignette with decorations that I collected over the years.

The food was to die for. (Ha! See what I did there?) Our menu included:

*Recipes coming in a later blog.

Sounds good, huh? It looked good too!
And that's just the snack table!
All in all, I think our guests had a great time. They carved some snazzy pumpkins too!

After the party was over, since I didn't need the extra seating, I added some more decor to my porch.
Drinking wine from Solo cups? Stay classy, skeletons!

 I don't expect to get many trick-or-treaters out here in the country, but that won't stop me from getting into the spirit of the season. (Spirit, get it? I kill me! Oh, look I did it again! Okay, I'll stop now, I promise.)

So yeah, that's what I've been up to. Hope you enjoyed the blog, and stay tuned for those recipes. See you next time!

1 comment:

Sage said...

Ohh..but you are in rare form aren't you?? LOL..good shots! Glad it turned out to be a good party for ya! I miss the Halloween parties..I really do.